OUTPUT COMPUTERThis style is designed to be easy to read into spreadsheets, or post-process with graphics creation tools, for example.
Each line in the output is separated into fields by means of a special string. You can specify this string by means of the COMPSEP command; for example
COMPSEP ,for CSV (comma separated value) format. Make sure not to use anything that might occur in the output: for example, a single or double space would not be suitable.
Each line in the preformatted output begins with a letter indicating which report the line is part of. (The code letters for the reports are listed in the section on Configuring the Output.) After that, there follows a field indicating the remaining columns in the report (using the letters RrPpBbD as usual). Then there are the numerical data and then the name of the item. Times actually take up several fields: year, month, date, hour & minute, or as many of those as are necessary to identify the time.
The first line of most reports has f instead of the normal column letters, followed by the floor for the report, in the form it would be written for a FLOOR command.
The general summary is a bit different. After an initial x, there is a two-character code saying what the line contains. The possible codes are
If you do anything interesting with this output style, I should be delighted to hear about it. Anyone want to write a program to turn it into those pretty charts that executives seem to love?